Sunday, August 29, 2010

FOTD 9/29/10--Nutella

Today's FOTD is really easy to make. I mean really. Nutella (the om nom nom hazelnut-chocolate spread)!


OMG! I'm so sorry that I haven't posted for a while! Busybusybusybusybusybusy...but yeah, I'm really sorry, and I'll try to fit in time to post! :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Flavor of the Day 8/25/10--Chocolate Confetti Birthday!

Todays FOTD is chocolate confetti birthday because...IT'S MY FRIEND'S B-DAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRIEND WHO WILL REMAIN NAMELESS! Check out the celebration cake's recipe (you know where it is)!

New Review--Cups La Jolla

New review! This review is on Cups La Jolla. They make organic cupcakes and sell very cute products (necklaces, shirts, aprons, etc.)! LOOK AT ITTTTTT! :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Flavor of the Day 8/24/10--Mocha

Today's flavor of the day is...Mocha! Easy and super nom nom, this cupcake is for anyone who likes coffee and chocolate! Yay! Check it out on the "Recipes" page!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Flavor of the Day 8/23/10--Chocolate Royalty!

TODAY'S RECIPE IS AVAILABLE ON THE RECIPES PAGE! Ok you are probably wondering whats so "royal" about this cupcake. Three things: One, there is added cocoa powder so it's much richer, Two, the frosting is purple (the color of royalty) and Three, I couldn't think of a different name. :) But anyway, there are no pictures today because I did not make the cupcake today (I will only make them now and then due to cost, time, etc.). Sorry! And thank you wonderful people who read this and those who are following me! =D

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Flavor of the day--Passionfruit!

The passionfruit cupcakes are done! YAY! The recipe is going to be on the "Recipes" page (hmm I wonder why?) and I will add the recipes for the future flavors of the day once those days come!
Aren't they cute? :)

Close up on the cupcake (sorry the light isn't very good!)

Passionfruit Cupcake In The Making!

I'm making passionfruit cupcakes and as of right now they're delicious! Mmm...all that's left is to make the frosting and actually frost the cupcakes! Mmm again! :D
I made two batches, one baked for 12 minutes (triangle on the right) and one for 10 minutes (triangle on the left). The 12 minute batch was first and they were baked for a bit too long, so I tried 10 minutes and look at how much better they are!

And these are the bottoms...again look at how much better the 10 minute one turned out!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Goal

My goal for this website is to have people who welcome new ideas do just that...welcome new cupcake ideas! In my blog I will write down my flavors and how to make them by adding quality ingredients to box cake mixes. All you need to do is get baking! :D I will also include the recipe for my favorite frosting (credit to Cupcakes! From The Cake Mix Doctor) and reviews to different cupcake shops. Have fun!

Friday, August 20, 2010

My first post, yay!

So I'm really excited right now...This is my first post! On my first ever blog! WOOHOO! Now I know my blog isn't very "meaty" yet, but it's growing! Yay!